Beneficial Invertebrates

Enforce™ for Whitefly Control

NZ $12.00 excl GST

Enforce™ is a tiny, 100% safe parasitic wasp that specializes in parasitizing whitefly, specifically greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum), although it will attack other whitefly species. PRICE: $10.00 per 1000 wasps (10 tags, the minimum order) plus GST and Freight

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Beneficial Invertebrates

Encarsia formosa - Whitefly Parasitoid
Encarsia formosa is a tiny parasitic wasp widely used in biological control programs to manage whiteflies, particularly in greenhouse settings. These beneficial insects are effective against various species of whiteflies by parasitizing their immature stages. 

Adult female Encarsia formosa wasps lay eggs inside young whitefly nymphs. Upon hatching, the wasp larvae feed on the whitefly nymphs, eventually killing them. This parasitic activity helps reduce whitefly populations significantly over time.

Encarsia formosa is particularly suited for use in enclosed environments like greenhouses, where it can provide continuous control of whitefly populations without the need for chemical insecticides. They are known for their ability to seek out and parasitize whitefly nymphs efficiently, making them a valuable tool in integrated pest management strategies.

These beneficial wasps are safe to use around plants, animals, and humans, and they do not cause any environmental harm. They are an important component of sustainable pest control practices, offering growers an effective and environmentally friendly solution to whitefly infestations. Enforce.pdf
Important Information

Same week delivery is not guaranteed as products are subject to availability. If unsure, please contact Bioforce directly, although be assured that we always aim to deliver as promptly as possible.

Enforce will only be sent on Mondays and Tuesdays, and will not be sent on public holidays. Other products can be sent later in the week (Wednesdays and later by agreement), but orders placed after 1pm on Wednesday will most likely be sent the following week. If you order includes Enforce and is made after Tuesday, then it will likely be processed the following week. Please contact Bioforce directly by phone if immediate delivery is required and we will endeavour to accommodate you, however we do not operate the tag machine after Tuesday, and we will only be able to accommodate you if we have made surplus quantities. As these products are live organisms, it is important that they arrive quickly to their destination, and we do not send when it is possible they will be in transit over a weekend. Next day delivery is not guaranteed and customers should follow up with CourierPost using the tracking information provided on dispatch.

Bioforce will contact the purchaser advising you of the intended sending date, but only if products will not be shipped within the week of purchase. Please do not purchase the product online if you are unsure, however if the product has been purchased and you are unhappy with the delivery date, we will happily refund you the full amount. Please contact us immediately to complete this, as there will be no refunds once the goods have been sent.
Enforce™ is supplied as black parasitized greenhouse whitefly nymphs or black ‘scale’ on cardboard tags, and the adult wasp emerges from this ‘scale’.

Enforce™ tags are sent via fast-post or courier (at the customer’s request).

100 viable Enforce wasps will emerge from each tag
Enforce™ works best at temperatures of 20-28 °C, below 18 ° C the wasp's activity decreases, and temperatures above 38 °C are lethal. A wasp life cycle will take between 10 and 30 days, depending on temperature.
Wasps per metre squared:      
Infestation Cucumbers Ornamentals Tomatoes Vegetables
Preventative 2-6 1-3 1-3 1-3
Light 6-12 3-6 3-6 3-6
Heavy 12+ 9+ 9+ 9+
Enforce™ should ideally be introduced to the crop when greenhouse whitefly populations are low as a preventative.
It is recommended that Enforce™ is introduced regularly when whiteflies are present, initially at a minimum of every 2 weeks over at least an 8 week period.
Monitor your plants once a week, and after four weeks black ‘scale’ should be present. When 80% of the ‘scale’ is black, the release rate can be re-evaluated.
Tags can be concentrated in greenhouse whitefly ‘hotspots’ within your crop. Enforce™ adults are able to fly about 20 metres and disperse readily.
Higher release rates may be required during the winter when temperatures are lower and control is more difficult.
Enforce™ tags need the following handling and treatment:
  • Do not touch the black ‘scale’ on the tags
  • Do not expose the tags to direct sunlight
  • Hang the tags immediately within the crop,
  • If the tags must be stored, store them in darkness at 10-15 ° C.
  • Do not store the tags for more than 2 days
  • Tags come in strips of up to 10; tags should be separated and hung individually
  • Hang tags one metre below heads of crop, so the wasps work upwards
  • Hang tags in shade
  • Ensure tags are hung in different places each week
  • Tags should be distributed evenly through the crop
  • Leave tags in crop for at least 14 days
Enforce™ adults will begin to emerge from the black ‘scale’ on the tags within 2-6 days at 20 ° C. The black case will stay attached to the tags. A small hole should be visible with a hand lens once the adult has emerged.

After three weeks it is safe to assume all Enforce wasps have hatched, so the tags may be removed if desired.
Within four weeks of release, black ‘scale’ should be present within your crop, on the lower leaves of your plants. Adult wasps should emerge within 2-3 weeks.
Before introducing Enforce into your crop, please check residual chemical effects and ensure you know chemical compatibilities and products that may be applied.
Before introducing Enforce™ into your crop, please check residual chemical effects and ensure you know chemical compatibilities and products that may be applied.

Lists of compatible pesticides and persistence periods can be found in the publication "The Good Bug Book", Second edition (2002), editor Richard Llewellyn. Excerpts of the book can be obtained from the Encarsia page of the Australasian Biological Control Association website, click here then scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the PDF link.


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