Here's what our customer, the late Nana K had to say about her experiences with our products.
Gee I am such a convert to your bugs!!! Last year they saved me and my crops from years of destruction from whitefly, in a shed I started to lease some 2 1/2 years ago. My attempts at being as natural as I could weren't working, even with mistblowing neem etc, and having a stuffed knee, carrying the heavy mistblower, slipping on the plastic, and wearing full protective gear in a hugely hot shed, was nearly impossible for me I was going to 'give' up...
Last year, after taking a lot more care, and going totally away from what previous owners told me etc, I bit the bullet, stopped all sprays etc, and went for your Encarsia and then as my beans were being eaten, Mite-E.
This year, after continuing on making sure no green material leaves the shed, until its burned etc, and taking a lot of care, I waited to see what would happen. The crop has been in for 5 months, just starting to show the beginning of a spider mite infestation, after damage to the shed in the big winds here.
I put in the bugs you sent me, to cover most things that would be a problem, and to try and prepare for all things, with a few aphids or something ( I am not a hort or bug person ) , and something munching on my cucs and beans.....I am absolutely amazed that the holes have gone and my plants are all as healthy as... the toms are great.
So you and your bugs have saved my crop, and best of all, Spray Free, is a title that my happy boutique buyers, love... that means instead of selling wholesale, which is dodgy with toms, to being able to retail my own products, that I will survive, and survive nicely this season, growing the only spray free toms for hundreds of kms... I think there are some 'organic' small growers near Oamaru, and the other main growers are Nelson...
The toms are just ripening now...and the customers have been asking for them for the past 3 months... I sent a few to a farmers market last week, as I couldnt go, due to customer demand, and they sold out in the first hour. Now I have taken on someone to help me at markets, so I can get them to my customers.
There is considerable interest in the bugs... my greenie customers just love the idea of them, and love the effort I have taken to go away from the 'Norm' and come up with answers, to meet their needs.
I am not a dread locked greenie, but I am passionate about not feeding my customers rubbish either. And I now have been on a chemical handling course, that is of no use to me, and have a locked cupboard in my shed, that is overflowing with nasty chemicals that are no use, certainly never going near my plants!
Love my bugs!!!!
Sent to us as an email on the 10th of December 2013, and reproduced here by agreement with Nana K