Links (Invertebrate Rearing)
Bumblebees are produced in New Zealand for the pollination of both indoor and outdoor crops. Bioforce is closely aligned with Biobees Ltd, New Zealand's largest bumblebee producer, who like us, specialise in the production of beneficial arthropods!
Visit for more information on how to purchase bumblebees for the pollination of your crops, or just to find out more information, videos and pictures on these hugely beneficial insects. Everyone loves bumblebees!
Bioforce is a member of the Association of Beneficial Arthropod Producers Inc (ABC). Visit their website for additional information on beneficial arthropods.

31 March 2022
Puro's natural born defenders, using beneficial insects in medical cannabis production.
11 December 2021
Kim Hill discusses with Chris Thompson on breeding Good insects to control bad insects.
27 November 2021
National Spring Rose Show - There is a Meet the rose breeders seminar at 3pm on the same day with rose breeders Rob Somerfield, Samantha Matthews, Doug Grant, John Ford and Hamish Cheetham in attendance. Chris Thompson from Bioforce will do a presentation on biological control of rose pests from 4pm Rose plants will be for sale including the new rose ‘Pride of Palmy’ named for the 50th anniversary of rose trials in the city by its breeder Rob Somerfield.
August 2021
2021 Horticulture Conference:
Pest management using biocontrol in your greenhouse – a journey from investigation, selection, trials, and practice – presented by Emiliano Veronesi (Lincoln University PhD student), Chris Thompson (Bioforce), Chris Cowie and Andrew Hutchinson (T&G Fresh).
November 2020 - Bioforce, AvianEmpire and Tegel win the Primary Industries Team Award for the development and roll out of Poultry Defender to control Poultry Red Mite.
25 November 2019 - Bioforce appearance on Seven Sharp
28 July 2019 - Better biological control in glasshouses: synergies between biological control agents from different guilds and floral resources.
5 December 2018 - Bioforce Production Manager Chris Thompson and Research and Development Manager Bruno Gatimel outline the products supplied by Bioforce and some of the methods for growing biocontrol agents for the horticultural industry.
September 2017 - Bioforce appearance on Rural Delivery
Radio New Zealand National Station: Our Changing World - March 14th 2013
Lincoln University ecologists release a batch of ladybirds to help control a sap-sucking insect pest of potatoes. The ladybirds,
Cleobora mellyi, also known as the southern ladybird, were reared by Bioforce Limited and have been provided to Lincoln University to assist with its research and to explore possible predators of the tomato/potato psyllid (a.k.a TPP).
Penn State University News Blog article - 12 May 2012
Crop Diversity Decreases Pest Damage and Pesticide Use - Talking about increasing cultivar diversity to reduce pest pressure and increased reliability of crops under varied environmental conditions.
Straight Furrow - April 18th 2012 (Written by Howard Keen)
Ladybird to the Rescue - Article on the predation of Tomato-Potato Psyllids by
Cleobora mellyi. Bioforce has been providing
Cleobora to Lincoln University for their research into its psyllid eating capacity.
Hoticulture New Zealand Fact Sheet - 2009 (Edited by Peter E. Smith)
Whitefly: integrated pest management in New Zealand greenhouse tomato crops - A Sustainable Farming Fund and Horticulture NZ project on the control of whiteflies using IPM. Our director John Thompson was heavily involved in this project.
Scientific Articles
Richard Pedley - 2010 - Richard's MSc work was sponsored by Fresh Tomatoes - Hort NZ and Bioforce Ltd
MSc Title:
Comparative study of three Aphelinid parasitoids of Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) with emphasis on Eretmocerus eremicus Rose and Zolnerowich
Powerpoint Presentations
Joop van Lenteren - 2006 - Prof. van Lenteren is an eminent biologists in the field of biological control
Benefits of Biological Control